May 14, 2004

And We Wonder Why She Was Second...

Not that I actually know anything about these off-the-wall contests run by larger blogs, but the folks over at Wizbang have run one, in a manner of speaking.

The aforementioned entry shows us some gal named "Willow", who's ever-so-nicely-reclined and inverted whilst facing the camera. It's a fetching black-and-white shot, or so we're led to believe. While gazing approvingly upon it, I saw something that explained second place.

Yep, that's right. A Starfleet insignia from the TNG era, instead of the much more attractive Bob Fletcher design used from The Wrath of Khan until The Undiscovered Country. (A comparison of the two is available from Spike's Star Trek Site. Look at the third and first images, respectively.)

Had she been outfitted with the right insignia, victory would have been assured. Make that, "had she been kitted out in the standard Fletcher maroon-and-black Starfleet uniform".

Yeah, OK, so Kathryn Jean Lopez would probably crack my skull for a post regarding inanities of Star Trek. So sue me; I'm a sucker for 1960s sci-fi trash, or at least the first six movies made off of it. Thumbs down to the 24th century.

Posted by Country Pundit at May 14, 2004 01:12 AM