Full disclosure: I only watched the first half of the debate.<1> Domestic policy politics as practiced in the several States is, to me, an exercise in mind-deadening tedium that a) solves nothing, b) costs me money, and c) winds up exasperating me, because the solutions to the discussed problems can't be said.
That being said, I enjoyed watching the Vice President dismantle Senator Edwards on several points. But, I won't go into that, and since I'm floundering about for the right things to say, I'll point to Jonathan V. Last's take on it at The Weekly Standard.
I'm not surprised that Last scored Edwards well in domestic policy; I had always been impressed (and dismayed) from a professional political standpoint at Edwards. When I saw him in Richmond during the primary season, he seemed to be well at ease in front of a crowd and quite capable of handling himself on the trail. Indeed, I never understood why Edwards wasn't the pick for the Democratic nominee, but it has since been explained to me that Edwards wasn't the "I-hate-Bush-who-eats-children" candidate, and that didn't fly in the era of Dr. Howard Dean.
Just another reason to turn up the nose and sniff at the former governor of Vermont.
<1> That, and I was busy watching HBO's Band of Brothers. I'd rather watch Easy Company than Edwards-Cheney.
Posted by Country Pundit at October 6, 2004 08:22 PM