Over on the right, in the "VIRGINIA-BASED PUBLICATIONS" category, you'll notice a new addition, Sic Semper Tyrannis. I was cued towards this site by John Behan's entry on the subject. "Sic Semper Tyrannis" (hereinafter "SST") is the motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and it's Latin for "Thus always to tyrants". The "thus" part of it refers to eitehr death or overthrow, not that those would be mutually exclusive things. People outside our beloved Commonwealth have probably heard it quoted as the words of John Wilkes Booth, who reportedly cried it out shortly after having assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford's Theater. Go figure, another actor sticking his nose in the political process for ill gain; I'm tempted to try and revoke his Virginia citizenship for that little stunt.
Two of the three authors at SST have chosen to use famous Virginians as their nom de cyber, with one using the name of "Lighthorse Harry". This was the nickname of Henry Lee, who earned it for his exploits in cavalry raids during the Revolutionary War. Lieutenant Colonel Lee also crafted the "First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen" line about President Washington. Others may know him as the father of Virginia's most famous military man, Robert E. Lee.
The other fellow posts under the name of "Old Zach", which is short for Zachary Taylor. Mr. Taylor was born in Virginia and served as President of the United States from 1849 until 1850, dying in office.
Good luck to these new Virginia publications.
Posted by Country Pundit at December 18, 2004 12:49 PM