October 25, 2005

Two Year Blogiversary

Today is the two year anniversary of my start into the blogging world.

"I'm not dead!" Rather, I'm just on hiatus, like a television show. As a railway might put it, yours truly has been in revenue service recently and is up to his gills in work. I don't very much care for the situation, but the demands of various financial commitments must, of course, come first.

I have several things up my sleeve for service enhancements and the like, because this publication (such as it is) is like the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway in that it is "For Progress". (And that's about the only favorable mention I'll give Virginia's other railroad. Anything Chessie did, Roanoke could do better. Nyah!)

Ahem. I would like to thank all those who have maintained me on their blogrolls despite my long absence from the scene.

Posted by Country Pundit at October 25, 2005 01:47 AM