June 15, 2005

Irritating NRO News

Curse you, K-Lo!

The Corner has moved to a much-easier-to-remember home. It's now at http://corner.nationalreview.com. You'll want to update your bookmarks.

I thought you guys were the home of conservatism on the web! I have been betrayed!

Bookmarks? Piffle. Bookmarks are so passé. I've got www.nationalreview.com/thecorner/corner.asp hardwired into muscular memory. It's automatically typed by now, after years of doing it, and now they go and change things? Calumny!

Obligatory modified quote from The Empire Strikes Back:
"You're trying to build market share and now you go and pull this!"

Bah, I don't approve. I'd bet Edmund Burke, were he alive, would not either. Can we at least get some sort of redirect so that I don't have to go and learn anything else? Call it conservation of er, neurons. What would Russell Kirk say?

Posted by Country Pundit at June 15, 2005 10:36 AM