Apparently, Patrick J. Buchanan and Charles W. Colson were on the National Broadcasting Company's Today program to discuss the revelation that W. Mark Felt was the source known as "Deep Throat" for Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein at the Washington Post. Laurin notes that she was "appalled" by both their responses, but while she "expected nothing less from Buchanan", she was looking for something else from Colson. Additionally:
This would have been the perfect opportunity for the Nixon folks to exhibit decency, aplomb, and maturity while welcoming closure to the Watergate scandal. They miserably failed to do so.
Set aside for a minute two things: a) I haven't the foggiest as to what Buchanan & Colson said; a transcript would be appreciated, and b) interviewees are often held hostage to the interviewer's angle; inasmuch as I regard Katie Couric and Matt Lauer as subpar journalists, I'd imagine that it's hard for people to rise above their mediocrity. Send Colson et al to Charlie Rose and we'll see what happens.
My question for Laurin is this: What words would you have wanted to hear? I understand (broadly) the sentiments that she expresses, but I'll be darned if I can actually put text to them. It may be that I'm too busy clenching a fist and cursing the name of Mark Felt to figure it out myself, but then that's all the more reason for her to put words in Colson's mouth instead of me.
I'm just having a hard time figuring out what charitable utterances could be reasonably expected from the men who had to ride out the receiving end of the firestorm fed by Mark Felt's actions. Had I been in the position of Colson or others who received prison time, I bet my reaction would have involved a couple of uses of the now-famous [Expletive Deleted] device.
For what it's worth, I heard Colson on All Things Considered yesterday, and he seemed surprisingly restrained for a man that served time in prison for the affair. He actually says that he's grateful for the period, because it led to his religious conversion and the beginning of his prison ministry program. It was, I suppose, about as gracious a statement as could be expected.
Go figure.
1 Somewhere, there is irony in the facts that both the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of South Carolina are deemed "red" States by virtue of their voting patterns, but both of them have blue flags.