Trains paid tribute to the Erie Lackawanna Railway in the March 2005 issue with a nice article about the line's fate after 1960, which saw the merger of the Erie Railroad with the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad. Additional tribute---maybe---was delivered later in the issue by dubbing the EL the Marcia Brady of Conrail. Once I stopped laughing, I realized that their reasons made sense, from the Kenobi certain point of view; the EL is beloved far beyond its geographic scope, and in large part due to the exterior appearance (much like Maureen McCormick, who got better as time went on) of their locomotives. People are suckers for gray, maroon, and yellow.
Anyways, back to the point of the post: I've found a new EL website, and it's located here. It's about two weeks old, and looks like the possible start of something pleasant. Here's to the Friendly Service Route.
Posted by Country Pundit at June 1, 2005 11:28 AM