Inbetween dodging service outages reportedly caused by Turkish nationals hacked off at a fellow Munuvian, I bring you this:
The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, Secretary of Transportation, has announced his intention to resign effective 07 July 2006.
I read this and instantly thought of Rip, who doesn't like Mr. Mineta. A quick trip to his site confirmed it; he was just about equal to the Corner in posting speed.
This might be a good thing for supporters of the current National Railroad Passenger Corporation, or it might not be. Mr. Mineta definitely seems to have had it in for Amtrak in its present incarnation, and may or may not have been entirely fair in the process. His departure presents an opportunity for things with regards to Amtrak to get better, and it also presents an opportunity things to get worse. That is, the appointment of someone with the same axe to grind against the system, but with more skill and persistence.1
Nonetheless, I would like to thank Mr. Mineta for his service and wish him well in his future endeavors.
1 I realize there's more to being Secretary of Transportation than sitting on the Amtrak board of directors, but that's what I chose to remark upon.
Posted by Country Pundit at June 24, 2006 08:53 AM | TrackBack