April 17, 2007

Local Observations

The nearest major institution of higher learning to me is the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Like someone on a message board I frequent said, "it's hard not to know someone who goes there". Many of my high school class went there, and several members of my law school class wore maroon and orange on a regular basis. Despite all this, I thought nobody I knew was caught up in the Korean's rampage.

I was wrong.

Long-time neighbors of my parents have a son who attends Virginia Tech. He's fine, but apparently some of their cousins were not, their names included on the list of the dead. Blast it.

Meanwhile, I had the chance to travel along Interstate 81 earlier today, and stopped at the Wytheville Wal-Mart. In the parking lot was a car, driven by a youth by the looks of it. Written on the back glass was the speedlettered 'VT' along with the legend, "KEEP THEM IN UR PRAYERS". Indeed.

If you're on 81 in Smyth County ever, you've probably seen the household with the hand-painted (but apparently well-executed) barns at Seven Mile Ford with various Virginia Tech indicia, including that bird. I usually snort amusedly at the thing---again, I didn't go to VPI---but tonight I did a little something different. I wondered out loud if the property owners would do anything different. From the looks of it---and it was brilliantly illuminated at night---nothing has changed, but I'll get a better look at it in the daytime later in the week. Perhaps they will do something; perhaps they will do nothing. Either would be appropriate, in my judgment.

If you're interested, a discussion of sorts is going on over at Grim's Hall as to an appropriate tactical response in such a situation. I myself am inclined to believe that anyone short of military or law enforcement personnel would have been essentially useless in the situation, given the psychological advantage the Korean---I can't pronounce or spell his name and I intend to dehumanize the little monster as best I can---would have had. Every man probably asks himself, "What would I do?" The answer for me is (more than likely) attempt to flee at all costs. About the only thing I carry of value is a pen, but I'm not Joe Pesci and this ain't Casino, so yeah, flight would be my most likely choice, if I wasn't paralyzed by fear.

I would like to think that I, along with others, would have had the nerve to rush the guy. After all, unless the Korean was lifted straight from a John Woo film, he's going to be using a single pistol at a time, and Glocks only carry so many rounds. Further, the Korean would have to stop every one who charged him, while the defenders would only have to stop one "man". This is of course the optimum outcome scenario, but it only prevents some losses. Enh, such discussion disheartens me.

I was unfortunate enough to see some of the National Broadcasting Company's coverage on its program Dateline. All I learned is that good people died at the hands of a pimple-faced geek with a social disorder. At least he's dead; that way, we'll be spared the spectacle of some poor defense counsel trying to make the best of a really bad situation.

Posted by Country Pundit at April 17, 2007 10:55 PM | TrackBack