July 15, 2007

Gilmore's Out to a Hateful Refrain

Does it really come as any surprise to anyone that former Governor Gilmore is out of the Presidential race? Didn't think so.

Meanwhile, the interesting part is what some Iowan named Mary Lou Harper chose to say about all of us Virginians:

This 37-year-old wretch---apparently a Kossack type, from her posting history---dumped a heaping helping of her Midwestern bile on us, uninvited.

I generally ignore people like that; if they're that stupid, then more power to them. Hopefully they'll contribute to natural selection.

We Virginians are many things (intelligent, essential to the national economy, the national defense, the national government, et cetera) but "gender confused"? Please. Governor Gilmore is and was many things, but "gender confused" wasn't one of them. Luckily, Miss Harper has a wee little "Report Abuse" link beside her remarks, and I was sorely tempted to report it as hate speech.

Then we get the usual offended poster---not me; I was too busy eating and wondering if I should buy a PS2 golf game---who defends the Commonwealth too little by half:

Well, some of us aren't bothered by the lack of "cultural diversity" as seen by this ex-son of the Commonwealth. Having spent some time in the environs around the capital, the cultural diversity is there; it's just not African tribal dances, Mayan pan flute artists, Caribbean steel drums, and whatever else a Bennetton ad man might come up with.

Furthermore, some of us weren't exactly happy when Allen '06 tanked courtesy of the Washington Post; I was counting on him to defeat all comers and enhance our reputation as Mother of Presidents. But anyway, this guy's words don't matter; he surrendered his birthright when he went to school in Atlanta.

Miss Harper writes, "I do hold strong opinions that ordinarily run against every strain of popular thinking." Sweetheart, what you hold is a pair of jokers.

Posted by Country Pundit at July 15, 2007 01:11 AM